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SomethingElse Review of “Tangled Road” from Blues Bytes
SomethingElse Reviews of “Tangled Road” from Blues Bytes on line blues mag!
I’ve only been in Colorado for a little over a year now, but I’m thoroughly impressed by the amount and diversity of great Blues players we have here in the “squar…e” state. One such Bluesman is Dan Treanor, leader of the Afrossippi Band who along with featured singer, Erica Brown, won this year’s Colorado Blues Society’s IBC challenge and just captured third place at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis. I’ve known Dan for several years now and the addition of Erica’s voice to the mix was a stroke of genius. You can hear the result of this collaboration on a rocking disc entitled Tangled Road.
The title cut, written by Dan, is a tune in the vernacular of the old spirituals and features Erica in a classic call and response. Dan kicks the party off with the intro on his Khalam while Erica asks the question, “who’s that walking down a tangled road? Ain’t nobody but me…Lord!” I had a friend who heard Erica’s voice singing this from the speaker’s at Alfred’s and she said, “My God, Kyle, that voice! I had to go inside and see what was going on!” Erica Brown is definitely one of Colorado’s treasures and Dan’s right when he says, “Erica has a world-class voice!”
Dan’s harp provides the introduction on our next cut, “Tell Me Daddy,” another tune written by Dan. Here we find Erica wondering, “Tell me daddy…where did you stay last night? Tell me daddy, cause I really got to know…where did you stay last night?” Obviously he was out late and didn’t make it home, I would hate to be the one facing Erica’s wrath at the door, that’s for sure!
Our tempo slows down considerably as Erica, Dan and the band tackle Toussaint McCall’s classic tune, “Nothing Can Take the Place of You.” “Each day finds me so blue…cause nothing…nothing…takes the place of you!” You can hear the passion and love in Erica’s voice as she laments the loss of this love of her life…”nothing takes the place of you!” Dan’s rocking harp picks up the pace for our next tune, Koko Taylor’s “Ernestine.” Here we find Erica defending her territory and ready to challenge the woman who is after her man. “I told you for the last time….find a man of your own….Ernestine…girl, what you doing you know ain’t right!” Somehow I think Erica will win the battle and successfully kick Ernestine to the curb!
A local bluesman, J.D. Kelly, wrote the song “Dynamite,” and Dan, Erica and the band tackle it next. “Your love’s like fire…the fire get out…come on shake it baby…show me what you got…your love’s like dynamite…if you’re looking for good love…you just might find it!” Tangled Road closes with the Willie Dixon classic, “Wang Dang Doodle,” and the guitar work of Michael Hossler provides the intro to Erica’s vocals, “we going to pitch a ball…down to that union hall…we going to pitch a wang dang doodle…all night long!”
Tangled Road is an excellent representation of the work put in by Dan, the Afrosippi Band and the incomparable Erica Brown. They took Memphis by storm and gained a lot of Blues fans for the “square” state in the process. It was quite the week in Memphis for those of us from Colorado, and we couldn’t be prouder of the performances our IBC entry cranked out. You can grab a copy of this disc on Dan’s website, www.dantreanorband.com, and the energy of the entire disc is amazing. Enjoy!
— Kyle Deibler

Steve Miller/Erica Brown
Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, CO, Jul 23, 2011
Review by Robin Abb of Rockin’ Robin’s Boutique, Niwot, CO
Sent to Ticketmaster Reviews at ticketmaster.reviews.com
Keep on Rocking Me, Steve!!!
Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, CO, Jul 23, 2011
Posted 07/26/2011 by RockinRobin2
My friend, Karen leaned over to me at last Saturday night’s Steve Miller concert to tell me that seeing a show at Red Rocks had been on her bucket list and now she can cross it off. She and Sherry had flown in to visit me for the first time from LA and San Francisco, respectively. The highlight of their trip was the concert. We were rocking out at the Rocks. I hope that most of the people close to us found our energy infectious instead of annoying.
Buddy Guy is still in great form….on the guitar and his voice. The 12 year old that played with him was quite accomplished on the guitar, but he did sing like a girl. Of course he did! His balls haven’t dropped yet!!
I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for the Space Cowboy being that we’re both Texans. Just like Buddy, Steve hasn’t missed a lick on the guitar and his voice was also in top form.
Sonny Charles. his additional singer was also a great voice, but to be honest, I’d rather see Steve put a rockin’ chick up there. Sonny dancing around just wasn’t the visual that a sexy woman would be. I would nominate Denver’s own, Erica Brown to go on the road with Steve……she’d knock ’em dead everywhere!!
Favorite moment: When the father and daughter sitting next to us recognized me as Rockin Robin. I felt like quite the celebrity.